説教あらすじ 「人となられた神」 (07/04/2013)
[ヨハネ17: 20-23] *ここから正真正銘「私たちのための祈り」
◆中心ポイント [21節前半]
・「御父とイエスとが1つであるように、私たちが1つとされる。それが『お互いを見つめること』によってではなく、『神とキリストとの関係』に依存することによって始まり、また完成される」ということ。 [23節前半]
◆「御父がイエスにお与えになった栄光」 = 『神の子』としての栄光 [22節]
Outline of the sermon “God became human.” (07/04/2013)
[John 17: 20-23] *Now Jesus is praying exactly for us!
◆ Main point of this prayer. [Verse 21a]
・「All of us may be one just as God and Jesus are one.」 In other words, 「We may be brought to complete unity
because Jesus is in us and God is in Jesus.」 [Verse 23a]
◆「The glory that God gave to Jesus.」 = The glory as 『Son of God』. [Verse 22]
・God has sent us Jesus, not because we are more important for Him than Jesus is, but to show us what kind
of relationship God is expecting with us as well as to establish the way for us to reach Him.
・Pilate & chief priests missed 『the truth』 for they were afraid of people. 『The truth』 may be found when
we look upon God and trust that He adopted us as His dear children, rather than look around.
◆ What does it mean that 「God became human and came down to the earth」?[Verse 21b,Verse 23b]
① God is interested in us.
② Gives no pressure to us.
③ Respect our free-will.
☆ God gave us enough information about himself through Jesus. It is all up to us how we respond to Him.