説教あらすじ 「イエスのごとく生きる」 (14/04/2013)
[ヨハネ17: 24-26] *「イエスの祈り」 最終回。 深い真理が含まれている。
◆「わたしのいる所に一緒におらせてください!」 [24節前半]
・「イエスのおられる所」とは?= 『神の御座の右』 [へブル12:2]
◆私たちは「キリストと同様」 [Ⅰヨハネ4:17]
・[25節] この世は(天からの介入がない限り)天にあるものを悟り得ない。それ故神は御子を遣わされた。[ヨハネ3:13]
①行動?➝ No! ②意識?➝ △ ③人生の主導権 ➝ YES!
・神に対する『献身』。あくまで「自主的」な従順が必要。イエスでさえもこの『従順』を学ばれた。[へブル 5:8-9]
・今日も神は、私たちの『愛』、「◯◯にも関わらず 信じて従う心」に賭けておられる!
Outline of the sermon “We live just as Jesus lived.” (14/04/2013)
[John 17: 24-26] *The last part of 「Jesus’ prayer」. There are lots to learn from it.
◆「I want these people to be with me where I am!」 [Verse 24a]
・Where is Jesus right now?= 『at the right hand of the throne of God』. [Hebrews 12:2]
・Our 『New Life』 is now hidden with Christ in God. Therefore we cannot experience the power of this life
unless we see the life on the earth from 「heavenly perspective」. [Colossians 3:1-4]
◆ We are 「like Christ」. [ⅠJohn 4:17]
・We have to understand that 「We have become of heaven (dead) in Christ」 and 「been sent from above by
Christ as risen ones to the earth」.
・[Verse 25] None of the earth knows what belongs to heaven. This is why Jesus came to the world. [John 3:13]
◆ What has to be renewed in us to 「live just as Jesus lived」?
①Action?➝ No! ②Mind?➝ △ ③Leadership of Life ➝ YES!
・『Commitment』 to God of your own free will. Even Jesus had to learn 『Obedience』![Hebrews 5:8-9]
◆ The story of Job.
・Satan cannot believe 『Love』, so he insisted that Job was obedient to God 「for a reason」. Therefore
God allowed Satan to attack him so that Satan would have to know Job obeying God 「without reason」.
・Today God is relying on our 『Love』 and 「Obedience without reason」!
☆ Do not assimilate to this world, but as the ones of heaven, let us run
「the race of obedience」 on the earth with our own free will just as Jesus did!