説教あらすじ 「あなたは、誰のもの?」 (10/03/2013)
[ヨハネ17: 6-8]
一体私たちは「誰かのもの」なのか? それとも「自分のもの」なのか? はたまた「神のもの」なのか?
◆キリストを信じる者は『神の所有とされた民』 [Ⅰペテロ2:9-10] ➝ では何故そう言えるのか?
・「自分をささげる」というと、損するような気がするが、実は逆。 「所有されている」=「面倒を看てもらえる」
・神にとって「信仰者」は特別な存在。イエスは言われた。[マルコ9:41] アブラハムへの約束。[創世記12:1-3]
・キリストは地上に於いて全く貧しかった。[マタイ8:19-20] すなわち、完全に「面倒を看て下さる方」に依存して
Outline of the sermon “Who do you belong to?” (10/03/2013)
[John 17: 6-8]
・We feel a bit uncomfortable when we read Jesus saying, “They were yours” or “You gave them to me”.[Verse 6]
Do we belong to 「Someone else」? Or 「Of our own」? Supposedly, 「Belong to God」?
◆ Those who believe in Jesus are 『belonging to God』. [ⅠPeter 2:9-10] ➝ Then why do we belong to God?
① Because God created us. [Psalm 100:3]
② Because God has redeemed us with Christ. [ⅠCorinthians 6:19-20]
③ Offer ourselves to God of our own free will. [Romans 12:1-2]
・Are you afraid of 「Offering yourself」? No worries! 「Belong to God」=「God looks after us」
・『Christians』 are highly favored by God. Jesus said. [Mark 9:41] Here is a promise for Abraham. [Genesis 12:1-3]
◆ Who did Jesus belong to?[ⅠCorinthians 3:23]
・Jesus owned nothing on the earth. [Matthew 8:19-20] He was totally dependent on God who took care of
everything for him. All he had were given from the Father. This is why we say that Jesus belongs to God!
◆ Who do you belong to?
・It is determined by where your possessions come from. The devil tries hard to tempt you with earthly thing
to possess you. Fix your eyes on what God is providing you to be 「a people belonging to God」.
・If you are willing to surrender something to Jesus when he asks for it, it must be something given from God.