説教あらすじ 「1つとされるため」 (17/02/2013)
*「信じる者」[8節] = 神のみことばを受け入れ、「イエスが神から遣わされた方である」と信じている。
◆この祈りの重要ポイント = 「イエスと御父とが1つであるように、私たち(信じる者)も1つとされること」 [11,22節]
・「1つとされる」とはどういうことか。「同じようになる」ことなのか? しかし神は私たちをユニークに造られた。
・私たちはキリストの『各器官』。[Ⅰコリント12:27] そしてそれは『御霊』によって1つとされる。[同12:12-13]
・[Ⅱコリント13:13] 「キリストの恵み」「神の愛」は分かるが、『聖霊の交わり』が分かりにくい。これは「聖霊こそ
Outline of the sermon “To be one in spirit.” (17/02/2013)
[John chapter 17]
◆ This whole chapter describes “Prayer of Jesus”. There are 3 parts in it.
① Verses 1-5 : Prayer for himself. [Verse 5]
② Verses 6-19 : Prayer for his disciples. [Verse 9]
③ Verses 20-26 : Prayer for those who will believe. [Verse 20]
*What is 「to believe」[Verse 8] = To accept God’s Words and believe that God sent Jesus to us.
◆ An essence of this prayer = 「We may become one as Jesus and the Father are one.」 [Verses 11, 22]
・What is 「Becoming one」? Is it like 「Becoming the same」? God has made us differently, hasn’t He?
・Each of us is a part of Christ’s body. [ⅠCorinthians 12:27] And these are unified by one Spirit. [ⅠCor 12:12-13]
・[ⅡCorinthians 13:13] We understand 「Grace of Jesus」 & 「Love of God」, but what about 『Fellowship of the
Holy Spirit』? This must mean that 「The Holy Spirit enables us becoming one」!
◆ Not by our own strength.
・Human effort does not cause us becoming one or any other spiritual growth![Galatians 3:3]
・Our sinful nature and the Spirit are in conflict each other. [Galatians 5:16-17] We must come to the Lord together to
become one in spirit, instead of trying to get along each other with our own strength. [ⅠCorinthians 6:15-17]
★ Seek intimate relationship with God first, then let Him unite us as one body!