説教あらすじ 「キリストの証人」 (06/01/2013)
①「世のパターンを超えて生きること」を求める [18~19節]
*『世に属する者』: この世の流れや人々と調子を合わせて生きようとするあまり、自分自身や人生の目標を見失う。
*『選ばれた者』: 「神との調和」を切に求めて生きる中で、自分自身、そして人生の真の意味を見出す。
②「御父とキリストとを知ること」を求める [3節]
③「キリストを証しすること」を求める [26~27節]
Outline of the sermon “Witness of Christ.” (06/01/2013)
[John 15:18-16:4a]
◆ What have we been chosen for?
① To seek life beyond the pattern of this world. [Verses 18-19]
*『Those who belong to the world.』: They are too busy catching up things to seek ‘purpose of life’ or ‘who they are’.
*『Those who are chosen.』: We find ‘who we are’ and ‘where to go’ by seeking harmony with God.
・People hate us for we do not walk in harmony with them. They would try hard to involve us in their pattern.
We have to stand strong so that they will eventually find that there is the truth in the life we live.
② To know more of “the Father” and “the Son”. [Verse 3]
・The life we live is to know God and Jesus. [John 17:3] It grows by God’s Word and His Spirit.
・We have to examine ourselves whether we are seeking God on the truth of His Words or on our own desire.
③ To testify about Jesus. [Verse 26-27]
・We sometimes search a compromise to let people accept our faith. But in this way, we hide truth of Christ rather
than testify about him. We are chosen to be a witness of Christ not for being accepted by people in the
world but for accepting those who are shunned from the world.
★Recognize that 「We are chosen」 and be transferred by 「God’s Word and Spirit」,
so that we will live this new year as 『Witnesses of Christ』 sent by God of truth and love!