説教あらすじ 「イエスの名によって」 (27/01/2013)
◆「しばらくすると…」[16節] ― このイエスの言葉は2通りに解釈できる。
①十字架と復活 [20節] :十字架は弟子たちに悲しみと絶望を、復活は大きな喜びと希望をもたらした。
②昇天と再臨[21節,マルコ13:8] :もはやそこに絶望はない。必要とされるのは、確固たる希望に基づいた忍耐。
◆「イエスの名」によって [23~24節]
・「イエスの名によって求める」 とは、何か呪文のようなものではない!➝ 『関係』に対する信頼の行為
の故に、父なる神の御前に『責められる所のない者』として出ることができるのだ」 という事実を信じること。
◆ [Ⅰヨハネ3:21-23]
Outline of the sermon “In the name of Jesus.” (27/01/2013)
[John 16:16-24]
◆「In a little while…」[Verse 16] ― This word of Jesus may mean either of followings.
①Crucifixion & Resurrection. [Verse 20] :Crucifixion brought grief, and resurrection brought joy and hope to disciples.
②Ascension & Second coming.[Verse 21,Mark 13:8] :No more despair. We only need patience based on firm hope.
・No matter which Jesus was meaning, main point is this: If we trust in Jesus, we will live with everlasting hope
on the earth and enter His Kingdom to live there forever.
*Then, is our life in this world like “staying in a waiting room”?
◆ What is 「asking in the Name of Jesus」? [Verses 23-24]
・「Ask in the name of Jesus」 is not like using a magical word!➝ It is an action by trusting 『Relationship』.
*Our life this world is: to establish a relationship of mutual trust with God through Jesus Christ.
① Trusting 「Relationship between the Father and Jesus」.
・To believe that 「The Father loves Jesus and trusts him completely」.
② Relationship between Jesus and us.
・To appeal God that there is no deceit in our relationship with Jesus.
*Answers of our prayer do not depend on our effort or good works, but just depend on trusting a fact that
「We can come to God as ‘a blameless’ only because of Jesus, his atonement」.
◆ [ⅠJohn 3:21-23]
★ In this year of 2013, keep confessing our hope in Jesus and ask God boldly in his name day by day!