説教あらすじ 「『見えないもの』に目を留めて」 (13/01/2013)
世 |
真 理 |
罪 |
イエスを「冒涜罪」に定めた。 |
イエスを「神の子・救い主」と認めないことこそ、罪。 |
義 |
「自分が正しいと信じること」を行うことが、義。 |
「義なる神に受け入れられる者」となること。 |
さばき |
「罪に定められた人間」を罰すること。 |
罪と死の力でこの世を支配していた「サタンの権威」を打ち砕くこと |
Outline of the sermon “Fix your eyes on what is unseen.” (13/01/2013)
[John 16:4b-15]
◆ Guilt of the world in regard to 「sin」,「righteousness」 and 「judgment」. [Verses 7-11]
This world |
Truth |
sin |
This world condemned Jesus. |
People turned to their own ways and not come to God. |
righteousness |
Everyone is doing as they see fit. |
Those who are justified before God are righteous. |
judgment |
It condemns people who are guilty. |
It condemns the devil who reigns this world by the power of sin and death. |
・Disciples had a great life experience with visible Jesus for 3 and half years, whereas we have a great earthly
experience for years in this visible world. Therefore the world drags us in its pattern if we trust our experience.
・We are just as blind for we cannot trust what are seen. When we close our eyes, we become aware of the
importance to 「Listen」. We have to listen to the truth in the flood of noise and follow it. We have to keep
listening until we are able to tell the difference. We have to concentrate on receiving from God.
・Babies keep listening for 2 years to start talking. Have we ever spent that much time to 「listen・receive」
since we started our faith walk? Do you think you are too mature to wait and listen?
★Take more of the words of truth. Read and memorize them.
Meditate on them and spend plenty of time to listen to the Spirit of truth! [ⅠPeter 2:1-3]