説教あらすじ 「私たちのゴール」 (16/12/2012)
[ヨハネ15: 13-17]
①イエスは私たちを『友』と呼ばれた [15節]
②イエスご自身がお選びになった [16節前半]
③その「選び」には、『約束』が伴っている [16節後半]
・実を結ぶ。 ・祈りが答えられる。[マルコ16:20]
Outline of the sermon “This is what we are created for.” (16/12/2012)
[John 15: 13-17]
◆ 3 amazing facts.
① Jesus has called us, “friends”. [Verse 15]
*Differences between 『friends』 and 『servants』.
・Servants do not know their masters’ business. (They may know what they should do.)[Genesis 18:17]
・Jesus did not do ‘what the Father told him to do’, but did ‘what the Father was doing’. [John 5:19]
・Jesus is not letting us do something for him, but he wants to do with us. He is not a commander but
a co-worker.
② Jesus himself chose us. [Verse 16a]
③ It comes with promises. [Verse 16b]
・To bear fruit. ・To receive answers of prayer. [Mark 16:20]
◆「Where」 and 「for what」 is Jesus inviting us?[Acts 16:6-10]
◎He is inviting us 「to those who are in need」 and 「to serve them with him」. [ⅠJohn 3:16-18]
・This is what we are created and chosen for. Anything can make its best performance when it is used for
what it is created for. (「Mother Teresa’s prayer.」)
★Let us spend our lives with seeking 「How can I contribute for the best of his/her life?」
rather than 「How can he/she contribute for my life?」, especially during this time of the year!