
説教あらすじ         「私たちのゴール」      (16/12/2012)

[ヨハネ15: 13-17]


イエスは私たちを『友』と呼ばれた [15節]





イエスご自身がお選びになった [16節前半]

その「選び」には、『約束』が伴っている [16節後半]

   ・実を結ぶ。 ・祈りが答えられる。[マルコ16:20]








Outline of the sermon    “This is what we are created for.”     (16/12/2012)

[John 15: 13-17]

3 amazing facts.

Jesus has called us, “friends”. [Verse 15]

  *Differences between 『friends』 and 『servants』.

    ・Servants do not know their masters’ business. (They may know what they should do.)[Genesis 18:17]

    ・Jesus did not do ‘what the Father told him to do’, but did ‘what the Father was doing’. [John 5:19]

    ・Jesus is not letting us do something for him, but he wants to do with us.  He is not a commander but

a co-worker.

Jesus himself chose us. [Verse 16a]

It comes with promises. [Verse 16b]

   ・To bear fruit. ・To receive answers of prayer. [Mark 16:20]

◆「Where」 and 「for what」 is Jesus inviting us?[Acts 16:6-10]

◎He is inviting us 「to those who are in need」 and 「to serve them with him」. [ⅠJohn 3:16-18]

・This is what we are created and chosen for.  Anything can make its best performance when it is used for

what it is created for. (「Mother Teresa’s prayer.」)

Let us spend our lives with seeking How can I contribute for the best of his/her life?」

rather than How can he/she contribute for my life?」, especially during this time of the year


じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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