説教あらすじ 「イエスが与える平安」 (18/11/2012)
[ヨハネ14: 25-31]
◆私たちを不安に陥れるもの = 「失うこと」への恐れ
・財産 ・チャンス ・健康 ・人 [27~28節] ・いのち
◆イエスが持っておられた平安 [27節]
・しばしば、神はその愛の故に、それらを私たちから奪う。➝ 『愛』とは、甘やかすことではない。
*あなたは「みことばを開けないほど」忙しい? それほどまでにあなたを忙しくしているのは何?
Outline of the sermon “Peace that Jesus gives us.” (18/11/2012)
[John 14: 25-31]
◆ What steals peace from us?= Fear of loss.
・Possessions. ・Opportunities. ・Health. ・People. [Verses 27-28] ・Life.
◆ Jesus’ peace. [Verse 27]
・「God is with us.」(Immanuel)-In fact, God is with all of us, believers, but we often forget about it!
◆ 2 things we need to hold 「Jesus’ peace」.
① To understand 「Who God really is」.
・Not by our own imagination but by “the Word of God” and “the Holy Spirit”. [Verse 26]
・This God created and reigns heaven and earth. He created all of us and always in control over them.
・This God so loved us that He even gave us His only Son, Jesus. [Romans 8:31-32]
② To know what is covering our spiritual eyes, and unveil it.
・These are the things we trust and desire more than God himself.
・God loves us so much that He often forces us to let them go. ➝ 『True love』 never spoils us.
・God reveals himself to those who 「listen」 to him, and 「obey」 what He says. [Verse 21]
*Are you too busy 「to listen to Him」? What makes you that busy do you think?
◆ Have an 「Eye」.
◎ If you have an 『Eye』 not for this world but 「To gaze on God」,
you will 「live in the same peace」 as Jesus had.