説教あらすじ 「2つのいのち」 (04/11/2012)
[ヨハネ14: 15-24]
ご自分も同じ名で呼ばれた。[Ⅰヨハネ2:1] よって… *父なる神=イエス・キリスト=聖霊
①地上の肉のいのち ― 地上の食物によって成長し、保たれる。
②キリストにある永遠のいのち ― 霊的食物(神のことば)によって成長し、保たれる。
◆イエスを愛する者 [15節]
・この2つがぶつかった時、イエスを選ぶ。 ← 霊の食物による栄養と、聖霊の助けが必要。
Outline of the sermon “We have 2 lives.” (04/11/2012)
[John 14: 15-24]
◆ What is 「the Trinity」?[Verses 16-18]
・Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” and here he calls the Spirit, “another Counselor”. John used same
Greek word to refer to Jesus. [ⅠJohn 2:1] Therefore … *God, the Father=Jesus Christ=the Holy Spirit.
・It is “the Spirit” who would be with us forever![Verse 16]
・The Spirit himself is 「Life of Jesus’resurrection」[Verse 19] and 「Eternal life」given to us.[ⅠJohn 5:11-12]
◆ Now we have 2 lives.
① Earthly life. ― It grows and lives on physical food.
② Eternal life in Christ. ― It grows and lives on spiritual food(Words of God).
◆ Those who love Jesus. [Verse 15]
* There are people who「do believe in Jesus」 and who「do not」. In the same way, among Christians there
are those who「do love Jesus」 and「do not」. Then who are the ones loving Jesus?
① The ones who depend on their eternal life rather than their earthly life.
・Which means, choose Jesus when they are contrary each other. ← By the power of God’s Word and the Spirit.
② The ones who see Jesus in their brothers in Christ[Matthew 25:40] and help it shine through them [John 15:12].
◎「Let Jesus shine out of each one of us.」 This is purpose of God for our lives!