説教あらすじ 「更に大きなわざ」 (28/10/2012)
[ヨハネ14: 7-14]
②聖霊が遣わされた。[ヨハネ16:7] ③イエスが父の御座の右でとりなしてくださる。[ローマ8:34]
◆「わたしのわざを行い、更に大きなわざを行う。」[12節] とは?
・イエスは、地上における悪魔の束縛を打ち壊すために来た [Ⅰヨハネ3:8]が、私たちには支配権を失った
・[13-14節] イエスは父のみこころを地上で成し遂げるために来たが、私たちにはイエスの御名によって御国
*「イエスの権威のもとに御国を拡大して行く」とは、具体的にどういうことか? 〈BFPの働きの証し〉
とばにトコトン従い、委ねられた愛と権威とを用いてこの世に挑んでいくクリスチャン」。➝ [ヨハネ16:33]
Outline of the sermon “Even greater things.” (21/10/2012)
[ヨハネ14: 7-14]
◆“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”[Verse 9]
・It does not mean 「Jesus resembles the Father」 but 「Jesus represents the Father」.
◆“He will do what I have been doing and even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” [Verse 12]
*What has changed since Jesus returned to the Father?
①「The name above every name」 has been given to Jesus. [Philippians 2:9-11]
②The Holy Spirit has been sent to us. [John 16:7]
③Jesus is interceding for us at the right hand of God. [Romans 8:34]
◆“He will do what I have been doing and even greater things than these…” [Verse 12] What does this mean?
① We continue what Jesus had been doing on the earth.
・Jesus came to destroy the devil’s reign. [ⅠJohn 3:8] And we are now given the authority to take things back from the devil. 〈As long as we stay under Jesus’ authority.〉 [Matthew 8:5-10]
② We approach to the heaven in Jesus name as well as to the earth.
・[Verses 13-14] Jesus came to reveal his Father’s will on the earth, whereas we are given the right to use his name
to deal with both Heaven & earth.
*How can we expand his Kingdom with his authority? 〈Story of 「Bridges for Peace.」〉
◎The devil never worry about Christians who only think about themselves. The devil is threatened when we start
earnestly obeying God’s words and taking heart to challenge this world for the glory of Jesus!➝ [John 16:33]