説教あらすじ 「イエスに倣う者」 (23/09/2012)
[ヨハネ13: 12-20] *先週は「見えない世界」のことだったが、今週は「よく見ること」について。
①キリストが私たちをお選びになったのは、「キリストを見倣うことによって、他の人々の模範になる」 ため。
・私たちがイエスを見倣うべき『究極の模範』=[ピリピ2:5-8] 「自分のあり方を捨てることができないとは考えず…」
*イエスでさえ人々に拒絶されたのだから、人々が私たちの証の言葉を受け入れなくてもガッカリする必要 ない。[20節] 私たちの目標は「人々の注目を浴びること」ではなく、『イエスに倣う者』となること。
Outline of the sermon “Those who follow the example of Jesus.” (23/09/2012)
[John 13: 12-20]
◆[Verse 15]-Jesus showed us examples so that we will do as he had done for us.
・Children do not follow what their parents 『say』, but they follow what their parents 『do』.
Blessed are those who can tell their children, “Look at me, and live just as I am living”.
◆ 2 key points to 「Stake our lives on Jesus」.
① We are chosen [to follow the example of Christ so that we will be examples for others].
・We「Earnestly look at Jesus and follow his example」 rather than 「Be aware of people looking at us」. [ⅠCorinthians 11:1]
・『Ultimate example of Jesus』 for us. = [Philippians 2:5-8] 「did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,」
② Admit that “Jesus surely surpass us” and simply follow his example. [Verses 16-17]
・When we trust Jesus, we do not only believe:「he always protects you」, but we also believe:「He is a
perfect example for life」 and follow all the way he did for us.
・Jesus trusted his Father and followed Him. [John 5:19] And now he has sent us just in the same way![John 20:21]
*There is no surprise if people reject us because even Jesus was rejected. [Verse 20]
Our aim is not 「attracting people’s attention」, but just to follow 『The example of Jesus』.
◎ We are all called not to 「special ministries」 but to be 「Followers of Jesus」.
☆ Let us fix our eyes more and more on Jesus through reading the Scripture
so that people around us will see 『Jesus』 in us!