説教あらすじ 「足を洗われた者は、きよい」 (16/09/2012)
[ヨハネ13: 6-11]
◆イエスは「足だけ洗えば、全身きよい」と言われた。[10節] 『足』とは、この世との接点であり、全身を支えるもの。
◆では、私たちの『根(土台)』とは?= 「自分」
・私たちはよく「しっかりしなさい!」と言うが、一体何を「しっかり」させるのか?= 『自分』
◆カギは『自分』ではなく『キリスト』 [8節,Ⅰコリント3:10-11]
・「キリストを土台に据える」とは、単に「キリストと共に生きる」ということではない。(➝ ユダの例:[11節])
◆キリストに人生を賭ける。[ルカ9:23-24 ➝ マタイ10:39]
Outline of the sermon “A person whose feet got washed is clean.” (16/09/2012)
[John 13: 6-11]
◆ Jesus said, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet.” [Verse 10]
・『Feet』 is the access point between us and the earth, which is also supporting our whole body.
・If we only deal with our “works”, we will never be clean. We have to get rid of “a root” inside us.
◆ What is 『Root.(foundation)』 inside us?= 「Self.」
*We are all 『self-interested』.-「Which is beneficial」, 「Which is easy」, 「Which is pleasant」 for me?
◆ It is not all about 『Me』 but 『Christ』. [Verse 8,ⅠCorinthians 3:10-11]
・In the midst of earthquake, we looked for somewhere “unshakable”.
Our Lord Jesus is the only 「Unshakable foundation」. [Psalm 16:8]
・「Having Jesus as a foundation」 is different from just 「Believing him」. (➝ Example of Judas.:[Verse 11])
Don’t get lost by trying to take advantage of Jesus. Jesus is not for your life. Your life is for Jesus!
◆ Stake our life on Jesus. [Luke 9:23-24 ➝ Matthew 10:39]
・「Deny」 does not mean 「despise」 but 「sow」. It is like an investment to find 『True self』.
・Women stake their lives on marriage when they know they are loved. We stake our lives on Jesus in the same way.
・Jesus has loved us so that we will be loving one another just as he does. [ⅠJohn 3:16]
We do not love not because 「we do not have love」 but because our 『Self』 is blocking it.
☆ Are you willing to have Jesus wash your 『feet』?