説教あらすじ 「神からの栄誉を求める人生」 (19/08/2012)
[ヨハネ12: 37-43]
➝ 彼らは見ても信じない。何故なら、見たら具体的に従わなくてはならなくなるから。
・「悪霊たちの信仰」と「本物の信仰」は、どこが違うのか?➝ 「神のことばに従う」という明確な態度。
◆イエスの時代のあやふやな信仰[42~43節] と、それに対するイエスの言葉[ヨハネ5:44]
と愛で、今日も愛してくださっている」 ことを信じる、ということ。神の愛は今日も変わらない。[ローマ8:32]
◆「神を信じているのに、なぜ試練に遭うのか?」➝ 答えは「神を信じているから」。
◆「それでは『信仰』よりも『行い』が大切なのか?」➝ むしろ逆。[ピリピ3:2-3]
Outline of the sermon “To obtain the praise from God” (19/08/2012)
[John 12: 37-43]
*God has prepared the things which 「No eye has seen, no ear has heard」 for us. [ⅠCorinthians 2:9]
◆ Some people say, “If there is God, show us! Then we’ll believe.”
➝ In fact they will never believe. Because they would have to obey Him if they actually saw God.
Those who say, “I would believe in God, but not Jesus.” They just want to create God for their own benefit .
◆ What is 「Believing God」?[James 2:19]
・How different between 「Faith of the demons」 and 「True Faith」?➝ To 「obey God’s Words」 or not. ◎『The true faith.』=「Keep believing no matter how we have to change our life for that faith.」
◆ Requirement for “True faith”. [Verses 42-43, John 5:44]
・We have to believe that Jesus loves us with the same passion and love so that he is ready to take the cross
for us today, just as he did 2000 years ago. God’s love never changes. [Romans 8:32]
◆「Why do we still suffer even though we believe God?」➝ The answer is:「Because we believe God」.
・When God takes away what we trust in this world more that God Himself, we feel “suffering”.
◆「Does God require us 『actions』 more than 『faith』?」➝ Definitely not! It is just opposite. [Philippians 3:2-3]
・Trusting nothing else but Jesus, this is the key to reach real freedom, abundance and joy.
☆ Let’s make every effort to obtain 『the praise from God』!