説教あらすじ 「みことばは成就する」 (22/07/2012)
[ヨハネ12: 12-19]
◆「しゅろ」はイスラエルの国家的行事によく用いられる。➝ イエスは『国家的英雄』として華々しく迎えられた。
◎このことは何を意味するのか?➝ 神は、ご自身の栄光を『見栄え(見せかけ)』によって現されるのではなく、
◆[Ⅰサムエル15:21-22] - 形だけの礼拝やささげ物は、神を喜ばせることはできない。
Outline of the sermon “God fulfills what He said.” (22/07/2012)
[John 12: 12-19]
◆「Palm tree」 is often used for national events in Israel. ➝ Jesus was welcomed gloriously as 『a national hero』.◆ We should glorify Jesus even more splendidly than they did because he is no just “a hero” but he is our king of
kings with all the power and authority, and the one who should be praised by every tongue.
*Here is something does not fit this scene. =「a donkey’s colt」[verses 14-15](prophesied by Zechariah.)
・Words of Jesus was also fulfilled when his disciples went to get this 「donkey’s colt」 [Luke 19:29-35]
◎ What does this really mean?➝ God would glorify Himself not 『in His appearance』
but “by fulfilling His Words”.
*God would like to win not our 『respect』 but 『trust』. Therefore He will never disappoint those who trust Him.
◆ God speaks and invites us.
・God speaks to us through the Bible and by His Spirit to invite us for the adventure of “Faith Walk”.
It is because He always wants us to experience His glory through working with Him. [Mark 16:20]
◆[ⅠSamuel 15:21-22] - Our performance or sacrifice does not please God.
☆God does not seek our 「Performance」 but seeks our 『Sincere heart』 expressed in obedience.