
 説教あらすじ      「主にあって今を誠実に生きる」   (01/07/2012)



「本音」と「建前」 [47-48, 53節]





 「人の計画」と「神の計画」 [49-52節]






◆『Integrity(誠実・高潔) = いわば「神に対する誠実さ」[詩篇16:8]





Outline of the sermon    “Live with ‘Integrity’ before God.”   (01/07/2012)

[John 11:46-57] 

*Why did Jewish leaders respond such a different way to Jesus from other Jews?

Words and Actual intentions. [Verses 47-48, 53]

  ・Their “Words”: They recognize the Laws of Moses as 「100% Will of God」 and never allow to break it!

  ・Their “Actual intentions”: Not think much of ‘The Law itself’, but attach to their own ideas and principles.

(That is why they break ‘the Laws of Moses’ and plot to take life of Jesus according to their convenience.)

    ◎God desires our obedience not from our surface but from our respect to God and love for people.

 「Plan of man and Plan of God. [Verses 49-52]

  ・Though Caiaphas devised a stratagem for their convenience, as a result it fulfilled God’s grand plan. [箴言19:21]

  ・We can never make a plan beyond God’s plan because we do not know what is on our future.

  *Then why God does not let us see far ahead into the future

① Because it tempts us not to believe Him anymore.

② To let us give thanks for 『Now』 and work hard for what we can do right now. [James 4:13-15]

◆『Integrity before God. [Psalm 16:8]

Do not live on your plan or own conveniences, however, live with Integrity before God in all circumstances



じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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