説教あらすじ 「イエスの涙」 (24/06/2012)
◆[33節] 『霊の憤り』
◆[35節] 『涙を流された』
①英語の聖書の中で、最も短い節。 ②イエスが見せた唯一の涙。
◆[37-38節] 『心のうちの憤り』
「できない」のは、神の力に限界があるからではなく、私たちが信じないから。➝ [40節]
Outline of the sermon “Jesus Wept.” (24/06/2012)
[John 11:30-45]
◎Let’s learn about 『Tears』 and 『Resentment』 of Jesus.
◆[Verse 33] 『Deeply moved in spirit.』
・Jesus would not be “deeply moved” by people’s ignorance. He must feel angry to 『Sin』 and 『Death』(as a result of sin). He is also strongly resentful to the devil who brought those to people.
◆[Verse 35] 『Jesus wept.』
・This verse is remarkable because…
① It is the shortest verse. ② This is the only tears of Jesus we can see.
*Why did Jesus weep?➝ Because he knew how painful to be pulled apart from unity with God.
・It does not mean, 「Better to go to heaven right now rather than staying the earth」. 『Death』(which
indicates ‘separation from God’) itself is our enemy and grief of Jesus. God never want anyone of us
be separated from Him and perished!
◆[Verses 37-38] 『Once more deeply moved.』
・This is not caused by their ignorance either, but caused by their attitude of making light of the power of God.
・Our God is 「More than able」, however, He always respect our agreement(with our faith).
It is our faith which limits God’s Work! ➝ [Verse 40]
☆Do not limit God’s Work because of our lack of faith.
Rather, say, “Amen!” and agree with Him to fulfill our “Faith Walk”!