説教あらすじ 「『知っていること』と『信じること』」 (17/06/2012)
*マルタがイエスにぶつけた気持ちは、言い換えるなら「Too late!」 しかし彼女は「今でも知っています」とも言った。
◆マルタが知っていたこと (1) [22節]
◆マルタが知っていたこと (2) [23-24節]
◆イエスがマルタに求めたこと = 「信じる」こと [25-26節]
信仰 = 自由意志による決断 (だからこそ神は私たちの『自由意志』を尊重される)
◆信仰生活はアドベンチャー (「キリスト教なんて、つまらなくて退屈」なんてことはあり得ない!)
◆「Too late!」 なのは、イエスの方ではなく、「みことばを聞いても信じない人たち」[26節]
Outline of the sermon “‘Believing’ is better than just ‘Knowing’” (17/06/2012)
[John 11:17-29]
*Martha felt that Jesus came “Too late!”. But she also said, “I know even now …” So what did she know?
◆ What Martha knew about Jesus. (1) [Verse 22]
・She knew Jesus through her own experiences. (‘Healings’, ‘Miracles’, ‘Mighty works’ and so on.)
◆ What Martha knew about Jesus. (2) [Verses 23-24]
・She knew about “the resurrection at the last day” as a knowledge from the Bible.
*But these her ‘knowing’ did not satisfy Jesus at all. Why?
◆ What Jesus was expecting Martha to do. = 「To believe」. [Verses 25-26]
Faith = Determination by our free will (This is why God never invade our free will.)
・Some people say, “I will believe when I understand all”. This is totally wrong! We do not have to believe any more
if we understand all. We have to believe something because we do not understand it!
・Non of followers of Jesus had a complete knowledge about Jesus. (ex. Martha [Verse 27], Disciples [Luke 18:34])
*Do not try to understand in order to believe, instead, believe it in order to understand it better!
◆ “Faith Walk” is an adventure. (「Living as a Christian」 can never be boring!)
◆ Who was too late? Was it Jesus? No! 「Those who have not believed」, they can be too late! [Verse 26]
・“During our life-time in this world” is the only chance to make decision to 「Believe」![Isaiah 55:6-7]