説教あらすじ 「祈りがすぐに答えられない時」 (03/06/2012)
◆私たちには「信じて祈っているのに、なかなか答えられない」と感じる時がある。 一体何が起こっているのか?
②すぐに答えないのは、愛しているから。[5-6節] (「後回し」にしているのではなく、特別な計画がある。)
ならない。すなわち「神は必ず、最高・最善のことをなさる」 という希望を持ちつつ、「それは必ずしも
私たちの願っているのと同じわけではない」 と知ること。
Outline of the sermon “When the answer for prayer is delayed.” (03/06/2012)
[John 11:1-6]
◆ What is happening when the answer for prayer is delayed?
① God has received that prayer. [Verses 3-4]
② God still loves you and cares for you. [Verses 5-6] (He has special plan & timing for you!)
③ Letting us die for ourselves. [Verses 4]
*These ②&③ teach us both 「to hold our hope」 and 「to surrender」. In other words, to believe :
「God is always good and doing the best for us.」 and 「His best is not necessarily the same with our desire.」
・We will know more of God through 「The prayer which is not answered as we expect.」 rather than
「The prayer which is answered just as we expect.」
④ God is preparing you for His glory. [Verse 4]
・『Glory of God』 is not the sensational events (which only last a short while), but the creation of new heart
within each of us.
・As [Verse 2] mentions, Mary had learned very important lesson through experiencing 『the death』 and
expressed her new heart to Jesus in following chapter.
★ Do you know your God as 「God who is worthy to commit your whole life to him」
as well as 「God who answers your prayer」?