
 説教あらすじ         「牧者の声を聞き分ける」     (06/05/2012)




   ・このたとえ話の主な登場キャラクター: 牧者(イエス),盗人(サタン),(私たち)



[3~5節] ◎重要ポイント = 声を聞き分けるということ。

   ・「どんなことばか?」ではなく、「誰のことばか?」  〈『悪魔の福音』のたとえ話〉






◆この『良い牧者(イエス)の声を聞き分けるためのヒント = 決して難しくはない!




大切なのは「どんなことばか?」ではなく「誰のことばか? 聖書のことばで心を整え、しっかりと聞き分けよう


Outline of the sermon  “To distinguish the voice of “Good Shepherd”.”  (06/05/2012)

[John 10:1-13] 

*It is more important to learn about “Jesus himself” rather than “His teaching”.  He used expressions like “I am …” twice in these verses.

[Verses 1-2]

   ・Main characters of this parable: the shepherd(Jesus),the thief(devil),the sheep(us)

   ・The sheep and we have some things in common such as “apt to get lost”, “stubborn but defenseless”.

   ・Not only the shepherd but also thieves come to approach us, so what shall we deal with them?

[Verses 3-5]  ◎Crucial point. = Distinguishing their voices

   ・“What does it say?” is not the issue, but “Who says it?” is.  〈a story of 『the devil’s gospel』〉

[Verses 10-11]

   ・Purpose of the thief is to rob us from the shepherd.  They can do anything for that.(Even make us prosper!)

   ・Purpose of the shepherd is to provide us the best.  He can even lay down his own life for us.

     (This is “Love”.  The real love cannot give the best without any sacrifice.)

◆ Some hints to distinguish the voice of Good shepherdJesus.= It is not too difficult at all!

   ① Live as a sheep. (Knowing own weakness.)[Matthew 23:12]

    Believe that Jesus is “the Good Shepherd”. [Verse 11]

    Voice of shepherd comes later. [Verse 8]

Take notice of “Who says it” rather than “What it says”.  Prepare yourself with Words of God to distinguish it


じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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