説教あらすじ 「神の国の喜びを奪われないで!」 (15/04/2012)
*この「見えるようになった盲人」の喜びを、周囲の人々はなぜ共有できなかったのか? 「神の国の喜びを奪うもの」を探ってみよう。
①誤った先入観 [14-16節]
②センセーショナルな「神のわざ」へのこだわり [16節]
③人の目に対する恐れ [22節]
◆「幼子のように」 [マルコ10:13-15]
Outline of the sermon “Do not be stolen the joy of the Lord!” (15/04/2012)
[John 9:13-23]
*Why people around this blind man could not join his joy? Let’s search the elements which steal “The joy of the Lord”.
① Prejudice. [Verses 14-16]
・Pharisees were convinced that they were never allowed to “Work” (even helping people) on the Sabbath, so they
did not recognize the event of healing was from God. They lost the chance to taste “The joy of the Lord”.
・If we have a prejudice about “how God’s work should be done”, we can easily miss its blessing. We have to
have 『Eyes to see God’s work in small things』 instead of 『Prejudice』.
② Paying too much attention to God’s sensational works. [Verse 16]
・God’s miraculous signs are all good. But His mercy for each one of us is far better than that. For God
『People』 are much more important than 『Events』. If we pay too much attention to His 『Miraculous signs』,
we may lose our faith when we face difficulties. God wants us to have “Even though” faith. [Romans 5:3-5]
③Peer pressure. [Verse 22]
・When we experience personal encounter with Jesus, we cannot help changing our lives. So, do not fear to
live a different life from others! Keep your eyes on Jesus and you won’t lose “The joy of the Lord”. [Proverbs 29:25]
◆ “Like a little child”. [Mark 10:13-15]
・It is not hard to avoid these 3 things. Just have a faith like a little child and “the kingdom of God” is yours! Trust God
just as a little child trusts his dad, then you’ll walk in His kingdom and “The joy of the Lord” is always there. [Romans 14:17]