説教あらすじ 「神のわざが現れるため」 (01/04/2012)
・「どうしてこんなことが起こったのか?」 ➝ 「このことを通して、神は何をなさろうとしているのか?」
[ヤコブ2:14-17] 「信じているだけ」だったら、悪魔だって信じてる!
ではなく) きっぱりと「イエスと出会ったから」と証した。
◆もう1度 [3節]
Outline of the sermon “To see the work of God displayed.” (01/04/2012)
[John 9:1-12]
*Today we are going to learn “3 factors to see the work of God displayed in our lives”.
① Take notice of “The purpose” of event, but not “Causes”. [Verses 2-3]
・「Why did this happen?」 ➝ 「How is God going to reveal himself through this event?」
② God gives us opportunities to “Exercise our faith”. [Verses 6-7]
・Even though Jesus could have instantly healed this blind man, he let him walk to the Pool of Siloam.
[James 2:14-17] Even the demons believe that there is only one God!
③ Show people clearly how Jesus changed us. [Verses 8-11]
・The work of Jesus dramatically changed the life of this blind man, and he witnessed, “Jesus did it!”
He never referred to his own effort or fortune.
・God cannot work with those who waver, but His works will be revealed through those who confess that
“Jesus is my Lord!” and living on it.
◆[Verse 3] Again.
・Our life is not “Retribution”. If we surrender it to the Lord Jesus, our life will become like a stage where His merciful
works displayed on it.
★ Our Heavenly Father is a Good Father!