説教あらすじ 「『神から出た者』と『悪魔から出た者』」 (04/03/2012)
◆アブラハムの子孫 [37~40節]
・ユダヤ人たちの理解: アブラハムの血筋を引いている者(すなわち、自分たち)こそ、アブラハムの子孫。
・イエスの理解: 神のことばに対する信仰と従順を受け継いでいる者こそ、アブラハムの子孫。
◆真理と偽り [44~46節]
◆いのちに至る悔い改め [Ⅰヨハネ4章4節]
◆[ヨハネ1章12~13節] 「神によって生まれた者」として、今週も歩みましょう!
Outline of the sermon “‘Those who belong to God’ & ‘who belong to the devil’” (04/03/2012)
◎[John 8:37-47]
◆ Abraham’s descendants. [Verses 37-40]
・Jew’s idea: Abraham’s descendants are those who inherit his blood. (Which means “themselves”)
・Jesus’ idea: Abraham’s descendants are those who inherit his faith and obedience to God’s Words.
◆「Those who belong to God」 & 「Those who belong to the devil」. [Verses 41-44, 47]
・In this context, “father” means the spiritual beings who reign over our life.
・「Those who belong to the devil」 seem to be free enjoying their lives, but in fact, they do not know where
they are from and where they are going. Eventually they are going to eternal death with the devil.
・「Those who belong to God」 build intimate relationship with God by faith in His Word, and have eternal life.
◆ The truth & Lies. [Verses 44-46]
・The truth= We can become children of God through faith in Jesus, then build intimacy with Him through His
Word of truth day by day in order to live in fullness of His blessing.
・Lies= We can enjoy freedom and contentment by following our desire or the pattern of this world.
◆ Repentance which leads to life. [ⅠJohn 4:4]
“Lord Jesus, I have lived in the way which looked right for my eyes, but now I realized that I had been deceived
by the devil. Now I believe that you are the one who can save me from his control and give me the right to
become a child of living God.”
◆[John 1:12-13] Let us live this week as the one born of God!