説教あらすじ 「天に属する者と地に属する者」 (19/02/2012)
天に属する者(イエス) |
地に属する者(生まれながらの私たち) |
・去って行く(天に帰る) |
・自分の罪の中で死ぬ [21節] |
・上から来た ・この世の者ではない |
・下から来た ・この世の者 [23節] |
・遣わされた者 ・父から聞いたことを告げる |
・さばかれるべき者 [26節] |
◆では、「イエスとは誰なのか?」[25節] ➝ イエスが言わんとしていた3つのポイント
②「わたしを信じるなら『天に属する者』として生まれ変わります。」[ヨハネ3:3, 1:12-13]
・特権:神からのみ与えられる特別な権利。 神はこのためにイエスを遣わした。
➝ 「神との関係の中で生きること」が喜び。人生はその喜びの表現にすぎない。
Outline of the sermon “The heavenlies & the earthlies.” (19/02/2012)
◎[John 8:21-27]
◆ Jesus pointed out some differences between “the heavenlies” and “the earthlies”.
The heavenlies.(Jesus) |
The earthlies.(All flesh) |
・Going away (to heaven). |
・Will die in their sin. [Verse 21] |
・Came from above. ・Not of this world. |
・Came from below. ・Of this world. [Verse 23] |
・Being sent. ・Tell the world what have heard. |
・In judgment. [Verse 26] |
*Jesus makes us be born again to “the heavenlies”! [Verse 24]
◆「Who is Jesus really?」[Verse 25] ➝ Here are 3 points Jesus was claiming.
①“You are going to die in your sin unless you are born again.”
・You stay isolated from God in this world and the world to come. [John 8:19]
②“You’ll be born again as ‘a heavenly’ if you believe that I am the one I claim to be.” [John 3:3, 1:12-13]
・The right:The privilege only comes from God. This is why God sent His only son to us.
③“When you are born again, you’ll have a new perspective for life.”
・Our greatest concern was to please ourselves. We took advantage of God or people as tools.
➝ Now our greatest joy is to “Live in the relationship with God”. Life is the expression of that joy.
※ Jesus didn’t come just 「to make the way to heaven」 for our future. He came 「to invite us into the
relationship with God, and to live with joy of the heavenlies」 and showed us example and paid the price.
★「The kingdom of God is within you!」[Luke 17:21]