説教あらすじ 「イエスの証言とさばき」       (12/02/2012)




人はこの証言を認めようとはしなかった。(13節) だが、後に人々はこう言った。[ヨハネ10:41]


  ①先入観を捨てる  ②よく聞き、観察する  ③正しい良心をもって判別する

◆イエスは「わたしは世の光です」とおっしゃった。この真意は? [ヨハネ1:4-5, 3:17-21]


②『光』=神の義と救い, 『やみ』=罪とさばき (この2つはセットであり、切っても切れない)


◆もう1つの驚くべきこと  「イエスは、さばかない」[15節]






Outline of the sermon     “Jesus’ testimony & judgment.”    (12/02/2012)

◎[John 8:12-20] 

I am the light of the world.[Verse 12]

・One of the significant things about Jesus is: He never said, “There is OO.” But always said, “I am OO.”  Yet Pharisees did not accept that kind of witness.[Verse 13]  Whereas later people said like this: [John 10:41]

How to understand well Jesus’ testimony.

  ① Ignore prejudice you have.  ② Listen to him well and observe it.  ③ Judge it with good conscience.

◆ Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”  What did he really mean by that?  [John 1:4-5, 3:17-21]

The darkness can never overcome the light.

② 『The light』=God’s righteousness and His salvation.  『The darkness』=Power of sin and judgment.

   There is a crucial gap between 「the man who clings to his sin」

and 「the man who seeks to be released from his sin」.

◆ Another amazing characteristic of Jesus is: Jesus never judges.[Verse 15]

  ・We always judge others according to our own conveniences.  But Jesus invites people into his “light of life” instead of judging them.  Those who remain in the light will receive forgivenessrelease from evillife.

Come to Jesus!  Put aside people’s evaluation and listen to his word alone.  He will never judge you.

He will invite you into his light and give you forgiveness, purification and life if you recognize your sin and repent it.


じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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