説教あらすじ 「イエスと同じ土俵に立って」 (27/11/2011)
◆[14節] イエスは何を教えておられたのか?=「神の国について」「どう生きるかについて」
人々はしばしば理解できなかった。なぜ?➝ 立っている土俵が違ったから。[15~16節]
◆[17節] イエスの教えを理解できるかどうかは、その人の内にあるものが「自分の目先の利益」を追求しているか
コ2:27, ガラテヤ5:14] では、何故私たちは誤解するのか?➝「行い(見えるところ)」を重視しすぎるから。
◆[24節] 私たちはしばしば「うわべ(行い)」から正そうとし、努力して『善行』を行おうとするが、それが踏みにじら
Outline of the sermon “Have the same point of view with Jesus.” (27/11/2011)
◎[John 7:14-24]
◆[Verse 14] What was Jesus teaching about? = “About the Kingdom of God”, “About the way to live”
・People didn’t really understand his teaching. Why? ➝ Because the point of view was different. [Verse 15~16]
◆[Verse 17] We cannot understand his teaching as long as we seek our instant benefit, because Jesus was
always seeking to fulfill God’s will.
・Here Jesus distinguish himself from the Father. It means that Jesus left his divine nature to come down to
the earth and became human. His life was to demonstrate “How God originally designed us human to live”.
・God gave Moses the law to teach us “How to live”, but we didn’t get ‘His heart’. Then Jesus came to show
us “the heart of the law” and lived it as our example.
◆[Verse 21~23]
・The purpose of “the Sabbath (the law)” is not to bind us, but to let us “practice God’s love”. [Mark 2:27,
Galatians 5:14] Then why do we misunderstand it? ➝ Because we pay too much attention to “Surface”.
◆[Verse 24] We tend to try hard fixing our “Action (surface)” and make every effort to do “Good works”.
Then when it becomes in vain, we complain about it. It is not a issue whether our effort bear fruit or not if we
do it with our “True love”. Our love is tested when it is not accepted. [Matthew 6:3~4]
★ Jesus didn’t love us because he knew that we would accept it!