説教あらすじ 「『聖餐式』を受ける理由」 (23/10/2011)
◎[ヨハネ6:52-59] *イエスによる驚くべき表現 [53節]。 今日はこの『聖餐式』について深く学ぶ。
①「イエスを持つ者であること」を自覚するため [54節]
②「魂の飢え渇きを満たす方であること」を覚えるため [55節]
・私たちが「飢え渇いている」ものは何か? ➝ 「決して裏切られることのない信頼」「自分の不変的な価値」
③「自己をイエスに明け渡すこと」を学ぶため [56節]
・まだ見ていないモノを信じ、求め続けるには、忍耐が必要だろう。[ヘブル10:36] しかしそれ以上に、イエス
④「生きる目的が何であるか」を知るため [57節]
るようになる。[ピリピ2:13] 「自分が何をするために生まれてきたのか分からない」のは、イエスを持っていないから。
Outline of the sermon “Why do we have ‘Communion’.” (23/10/2011)
◎[John 6:52-59] *Jesus used amazing expression. [Verse 53]。 Let’s learn more about ‘Communion’.
① To be aware of “Having Jesus inside”. [Verse 54]
・Jesus didn’t just give us “teachings” but “himself” to let us have life. [ⅠJohn 5:12]
・On the day of judgment God will not search our “knowledge or good works”, but “His only Son” within us!
② To remember Jesus as “The one who satisfies hunger and thirst of our soul”. [Verse 55]
・“Real food and drink” make us never need them again. It completely satisfies us. [Verse 35]
・What do we “thirst” for? ➝ 「The trust never put to be shame.」「Our own unchangeable value.」
「Someone who understand us as a whole and accept as who we are.」
・Those are all given to us when we welcome Jesus into our lives, then we’ll taste more as we know him better.
③ To learn “Surrendering ourselves to Jesus”. [Verse 56]
・To experience His strength, we must surrender our own strength and just remain in Jesus. [John 15:4-5]
・We need to persevere to receive God’s blessings, whereas Jesus is persevering to bless us ! [Hebrews 10:36]
④ To realize “Ultimate purpose of our lives”. [Verse 57]
・We don’t live just to receive. We need “Ultimate purpose” to drive our lives. For Jesus, it was ‘to do the will of
God and finish his work’. [John 4:34] If we have Jesus within us, we’ll be given real purpose and excited to live.
・If you say, “I don’t know what to do”, ask Jesus to come into your life ! [Philippians 2:13]