説教あらすじ 「自分に関する証言」 (04/09/2011)
①自分の証言 ②他の人の証言 ③その人の業績(履歴)
①自分の証言 [31節]
・主観的であり、十分な証拠にはならない。 ➝ その人の人柄はつかめても、『真実』はつかめない。
②他の人の証言 [33-35節]
③その人の業績 [36節]
④父なる神の証言 [32, 37節]
★あなたは、自分に関するどの証言を拠り所にしますか? 聖書は次のように告げています。
[イザヤ43:4] [Ⅰサムエル16:7] [ヨハネ11:40] [イザヤ41:10] [ヘブル13:5]
Outline of the sermon “Testimony about ourselves” (04/09/2011)
◎[ John 5:31-38]
◆ Some clues to know a person.
① His own testimony. ② Testimony of someone else. ③ His achievements.
◆ Jesus also introduced the testimonies he had as follows:
① His own testimony. [verse 31]
・It is too subjective to prove the truth.
② Testimony of someone else. [verse 33-35]
・It is helpful but not comprehensive. It may have some favor and not be the truth.
③ His achievements. [verse 36]
・These are more objective and better than ① and ②. However, they are too superficial to tell the truth.
④ Testimony of the Father. [verse 32, 37]
・This is the true absolute witness about us by Creator. There are nothing hidden before Him.
・He doesn’t see our achievements but just who we are. He sees importance of our choice by faith.
★ Which kind of testimony about you do you trust? The Bible tells us followings:
[Isaiah 43:4] [ⅠSamuel 16:7] [John 11:40] [Isaiah 41:10] [Hebrews 13:5]