説教あらすじ 「神を求める理由」(31/01/2021)
[マルコ 3:7~12]
◆人々の飢え渇き [7~10節](人々はイスラエルの国中、また国境の向こうからもイエスの許へやってきた!)
◆イエスの態度 [11~12節]
✰今日のキーワード: 神の前で『幼子』になる
①「苦しい時の神頼み」的な信仰は、良くないことでしょうか? また、どうしてそう言えるのでしょうか?
②イエスが「自分のことを知らせないように厳しく戒めた」のは何故でしょう? 私たちも黙っているべきでしょうか?
Outline of the sermon “Why do you seek God?” (31/01/2021)
[Mark 3:7~12]
◆People are hungry for Jesus. [Verses 7-10](They came from all over the country and even from outside of border!)
・Big crowd were pushing forward to touch Jesus. They were desperate and Jesus never refused them. Jesus was and is always ready to respond to those who earnestly seek him. God may let people suffer so that they may start seeking Him.
◆Why did Jesus order them not to tell who he was? [Verses 11-12]
・The evil spirits knew well who Jesus was, whereas people did not. Jesus knew that people would easily misunderstand the words of the evil spirit and try to use him of their own desires. [John 6:14∼15]
・Common “image of God (Messiah)” for so many people is: “someone who would do me a favor”. But God wants us to have “His right image” which is: “Good Father who loves us and whom we can completely trust”.
✰Key word for this week: Becoming like “a little child” before God.