説教あらすじ 「キリストの心に近づく」(29/11/2020)
[マルコの福音書 1章35~45節] ― 「イエスの心にあった2つのこと」に注目。
◆『御父』を求める [35節]
・イエスの1日はいつも「御父を求めること」から始まった。そしてイエスの自意識&存在意義は「御父のみこころを成し遂げること」だった。[ヨハネ4:34] 私たちも朝ごとに「お父さん、今日は私と一緒に何をなさりたいですか?」と問いかけながら1日をスタートしよう!
◆『福音』を伝える [36~38節]
・[40~45節] イエスは「証拠としてのみわざ」が人々の不必要な興味を引き起こすと分かってはいても、内側からあふれ出る『御父のあわれみ』をとどめようがなかった。私たちに必要なのも、この『キリストの心』。
✰今日のキーワード: 主イエスの心
Outline of the sermon “Come close to Jesus’ heart.” (29/11/2020)
◎[Gospel of Mark 1:35~45] ― There were 2 things in the heart of Jesus.
◆Seeking his Father. [Verse 35]
・Jesus started each day with “seeking his Father”. It was literary his “daily bread”. [John 4:34] Let us follow his way daily asking, “Father, what would you like to do with me today?”!
◆Preaching the gospel [Verses 36~38]
・Jesus not only longed to see his Father, he also wanted others to know the Father. He came to restore “the relationship between God and people”. This is “the Gospel”. This is “the Father’s heart”!
・[Verses 40~45] Jesus couldn’t help healing people even though he knew that it tended to cause people to grow wrong interests in him. There was no way to stop “Father’s heart” overflowing through him. This is exactly what we want! “Heart of Christ”. Let’s seek the Holy Spirit for creating this in our hearts!
✰Key word for this week: The heart of Jesus.