
説教あらすじ 「聖書が教える『幸福論』」(27/09/2020)



  ・私たちは1人1人「神の似姿」に造られた。[創世記1:26-27] そして『良いお方』に倣って、それぞれのために用意されたユニークな『良い行い』に歩むように望まれている。[エペソ2:10]





✰今日のキーワード: 神との共同作業


 ①あなたにとって『幸福』とは何ですか? また、あなたはどのような時に『幸福感』を感じますか?

 ②「神が自分のためにユニークな人生の計画を持っておられる」と信じますか? それを祈り求めていますか?

 ③「『自己最高』の人生を歩む」とは、一体どんなことでしょう? それは今の自分の歩みとどう違うと思いますか?

Outline of the sermon    “What happiness really is.”   (27/09/2020)

Seek for real “happiness”.

  ・So many think, “If I get this and that, then I will be happy”.  In fact, once we get something we want, we will be wanting something else.  We feel “happy” when we press on “something really valuable”. [Philippians 3:12]

  ・We are created “in God’s image”. [Genesis1:26-27]  And our Creator has prepared unique “good works” for each one of us to carry through by the example of Jesus Christ. [Ephesians 2:10]

Do our mission with God.

  ・God did not design these “good works” for us to work alone.  He wants us to do that with Him.  This is a great “happiness” and one of “the blessings from heaven” we can share people around us.

  ・Unless we find this good work God prepared for us, this “mission” would remain not achieved! So ask God to show us what it is and press on doing it with God until He calls us to leave for heaven above!

Key word for this week Life work with God.


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