説教あらすじ 「目の前の必要 と 永遠の必要」 (22/08/2021)
[マルコ 8:1~10]
◆神は永遠の必要を満たす [ヨハネ6:26~27]
・このことを知っていたパウロは、エペソの教会のために祈った。[エペソ1:18-19] 私たちも、神がご自身の聖徒たちのために用意しておられるものにこそ思いを馳せながら、1日1日を進んで行こう!
✰今日のキーワード: 更に優れたもの
②イエスが人々に与えたいと思っていたものは、どのようなものですか? 人々は何故それを求めないのでしょう?
Outline of the sermon “Temporary vs Eternal” (22/08/2021)
[Mark 8:1~10]
◆God provides our “temporary needs”.
・There might be some followers who were just seeking for more bread. Jesus didn’t mind at all about that and performed another miracle to feed them just because he had compassion on them. This is the heart of God.
◆God provides our “eternal needs”. [John 6:26~27]
・Even though people were enjoying their bread, it didn’t satisfy Jesus. He wanted them to start seeking something much better, which lasts forever. [John 4:13-14] When God answers our prayer for “temporary needs”, He always expects us to see beyond that and find what God really wants us to receive.
・With knowing this, Paul prayed for Ephesians.[Ephesians1:18-19] Yes, we also want to receive “eternal things”
from God not for our benefit but for God’s glory. Let us seek and pray for those things!
✰Key word for this week: Things beyond.