
説教あらすじ 「時が良くても悪くても」(20/06/2021)

[マルコ 6:14~29]

◆「良い機会」 [21節]





  ・使徒パウロはテモテに書き残した。[Ⅱテモテ4:2] もちろん神は愛する者のために「状況を整えてくれる」こともある。しかしむしろ神は「状況を超えて」働かれる方。また「逆境を通して私たちを精錬する」方。「人目を恐れる」のでも「状況に左右される」のでもなく、「いつでも、どこでも」みことばを正しく聞き、それに従う者となろう!



 ①今日の聖書箇所に登場する『良い機会』は、神が与えたものでしょうか? またどうしてそう言えるのですか?

 ②自分に都合の良い機会を「神が与えたチャンス」と解釈した経験はありますか? 何故そう解釈したのでしょう?


Outline of the sermon    “In season and out of season.”    (20/06/2021)

[Mark 6:14~29]

“An opportunity”. [Verse 21]

  ・We may think “every opportunity” is “a gift from God”.  Watch Out!  The devil would also give us “good opportunities” so that we may take importance of them more than “God Himself”.

God works “beyond circumstances”.

  ・How can we distinguish opportunities either “from God” or “from the devil”.  By filling our hearts with “God’s Words” and focus on “God Himself” and His promise but not “circumstances”.

  ・Paul wrote to Timothy, “Preach the Word in season and out of season”. [ⅡTimothy4:2]  Yes, God may prepare “good environments” for us time to time.  But we should remember that God works “beyond circumstances” and He also disciplines us through adversity.  So, focus not on circumstances but God and His promises!

Key word for this week Even though…


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