説教あらすじ 「悪魔に立ち向かうには」(13/06/2021)
[マルコ 6:6b~13]
・イエスは「悪霊との戦いには、しばしば『断食』が必要だ」とおっしゃった。[マタイ17:21] 肉体が弱くされることによって「神にだけ頼る者」とされることは、悪霊との対決のために重要な要素である。
②『神』『人間』『悪霊』の関係はどのようなものですか? また、イエスはそれにどのような影響を与えましたか?
③今日、悪霊たちはどのように働いていますか? そのために私たちは、日々どのように備えたら良いでしょう?
Outline of the sermon “How do we resist the devil?” (13/06/2021)
[Mark 6:6b~13]
◆Sending 12 disciples.
・Jesus sending them(and us) with authority over evil spirits. We don’t just proclaim “Good News” but also demonstrate its power. Jesus came to the world to destroy the works of the devil![ⅠJohn 3:8]
◆How to resist the devil.
・The devil knows that he cannot defeat God so now he is trying to annoy Him. The best strategy he uses is to move people away from God. He mainly works in 2 ways. Either confuses people by manifesting himself as a powerful spiritual being, or tempting people by materials so that they forget about spiritual world including God.
・Jesus said “prayer and fasting” is needed to cast out evil spirits. [Matthew17:21] When we fast, we become physically weak and more dependent on God. This “dependence” is a powerful weapon towards the devil.
✰Key word for this week: Total dependence on God.