説教あらすじ 「広く・深く」(11/04/2021)
[マルコ 4:30~34]
◆からし種 [30~32節]
◆『たとえ(謎)』を解く [33~34節]
・イエスに従っていた者たちの中には、「途中で去った人々」と「最後まで従った人々」がいた。どちらも「悟りの鈍い者たち」だったが、最後まで残った者たちは「今はよく分からないけど、きっといつか分かる時が来る!」という信仰と希望によって踏みとどまり、イエスとの関係を深めて行った。『神の国』はこのように「イエス・キリストとそのみことばを通して神との関係を深めた人々」 によって広がって行ったのである。[詩篇1:2-3]
Outline of the sermon “Larger and deeper.” (11/04/2021)
[Mark 4:30~34]
◆Mustard seed. [Verses 30~32]
・Just as “a mustard seed” is very little, the beginning of “God’s kingdom” was only Jesus with few uneducated people. But now we can see how larger it has grown. It grew through people who related to Christ deeply.
◆Solve “parables (riddles)” [Verses 33~34]
・Original Greek word for “parable” means “riddle”. Jesus told parables not to make the story “easy to understand” but to make listeners “think deeper” of the story.
・Most of the followers of Jesus left him on their ways but a few kept following him to the end. What made this difference? All of them did not quite understand Jesus’ teaching, but those who stayed clung Jesus and built deeper relationship with him. “God’s kingdom” has been growing through this type of people. [Psalm1:2-3]
✰Key word for this week: “Perseverance”.