
説教あらすじ   「母たちに贈ることば」  (09/05/2021)



  ・「神を恐れる母親」の責任は、『ことば』においても『行い』においても「キリストを体現すること」。そのための最も強力な実例は、「夫(父親)を愛し、敬い、従う姿」。(キリストが御父を愛し、従われたように) 子供たちは『夫婦(両親)の関係』から無意識のうちに「神に信頼し、従う」とはどういうことなのかを学び取る。







Outline of the sermon   Gift of words for ‘Mums’.(09/05/2021)

Huge influence of “Mums”

  ・Even though “fathers” are the leaders of home and have ultimate responsibility over their family, “mums” are the ones who spend much more time with their children than fathers do.  Therefore, children get significant influence from their mums.  So please try your very best to do these things with your children.

Do memory verses together.  Sing praises to the Lord together.  Pray together.

  ・The best thing mums can do for their children in Christ is to be “the model of Christ”.  How can we be like

   that?  Just “love, respect and obey your husband (their dad)” with all your heart just as Christ did to his Father.  In that way your children naturally learn the importance of following God.

To be “good model” in Christ.

  ・Start from yourself to build “firm and rich relationship with God”.  This is not only for your own children but also for all the children(young people) gathering at JCF.  Seek God earnestly so that they may follow how we live!


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