
説教あらすじ 「たとえの目的」(07/03/2021)

[マルコ 4:1~20]








 ①イエスは何故『たとえ』を用いたのでしょう? また『たとえ』はあなたの「聞く態度」にどんな影響を与えますか?



Outline of the sermon      “Why parables?”     (07/03/2021)

[Mark 4:1~20]

How do “parables” work?

  ・Jesus was always surrounded by lots of variety of people.  But not everyone was seeking “kingdom truth”. 

   Jesus often used parables so that only those who were seeking “God’s will” would understand them.

  ・Only people staying closer to Jesus were given the secret of God.  So stay closer to God and listen carefully to Him so that you will learn His truth better and grow by the Spirit of God! [James 4:8]

What kind of “soil” are we

  ・In this parable, “seeds” are the Words and 4 places resemble our attitude of listening.  All seeds are good but because of the differences of the soil, not every seed bear fruits.  God desires all of us bear good fruits for His glory.  So let the Holy Spirit cultivate our hearts and be “good soils” to bear “good fruits”!

Key word for this week Ears to hear.


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