
説教あらすじ 「なりふり構わぬ信仰」(06/12/2020)

[マルコの福音書 2章1~12節] ― 「罪の赦し」と「病の癒し」






 ・[へブル11:6] 「神を求め、神に近づく」 これこそ『悔い改め』。神はこのような人々に心を惹かれ、彼らの罪を赦し、その信仰に喜んで報いてくださる。

✰今日のキーワード: 神は『信仰』を見る


 ①イエスはどんなことから「彼らの信仰を見た」のでしょう? また、どうして『罪の赦し』を宣言したのでしょう?

 ②群衆に見えて、律法学者たちには見えなかったものは何ですか? どうしてそのようなことが起こるのでしょう?

 ③神はあなたのどのような『信仰』をご覧になっていると思いますか? また、どうしてそう思うのですか?

Outline of the sermon    “Faith without regard for appearances.”   (06/12/2020)

◎[Gospel of Mark 2:1~12] ― “Forgiveness of sins” and “Healing”.

 ・[Verse 5] Jesus “saw their faith” and the faith deserved “forgiveness of sins”.  What kind of “faith” was that?

 ・[Verses 6~8] Teachers of the law felt that Jesus was “blaspheming”.  They were experiencing miracles and power of reading their hearts Jesus was doing, yet they could not identify Jesus because of their wrong idea.

 ・[Verses 9~11] Jesus’ first priority was “forgiving sins”.  Performing “healings” is only a sign showing that God has given him authority.  Jesus healed this paralyzed man to witness who he is to the teachers of law.

 ・[Verse 12] The crowd “praised God” instead of “applauded Jesus”.  They understood that it was “God” who gave Jesus the power of healing.  They might be ignorant compare to the teachers of law but they knew the truth.

 ・[Hebrews11:6] “Coming to God and seek Him”, this is the attitude which pleases God.  Today God is waiting not for “ones with full of knowledge” but for “those who earnestly seek Him” and rewards them.

Key word for this week God sees our “faith”.


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