
説教あらすじ 「神のみわざを見るために」    (06/06/2021)

[マルコ 6:1~6a]


  ・主イエスは「自分は故郷では敬われない」(4節)とご存知でありながら、敢えてナザレを訪問された。故郷の人々の反応は予想通り。(2~3節) 彼らがイエスに『つまずいた』のは、「目の前に見ているイエスの姿」よりも、「ずっと前から自分が持っているイエスに関する知識や記憶」を重視したから。私たちも同様に、自分の知識や経験をもとに「神のみわざや教え」を判別しようとすると、その真価を見失ってしまう。[ヤコブ1:21]

◆イエスの嘆き [6節]









 ③神はどのような人を捜していますか? また、あなたがそのような存在となるためにどうしたら良いでしょう?

Outline of the sermon   “To experience Gods power.”   (06/06/2021)

[Mark 6:1~6a]

Jesus, visiting his hometown.

  ・After many months(or years?) Jesus visited his hometown.  But people there missed this great opportunity by lack of their faith.  They judged Jesus not by what they saw in front of them but by their own image which was grown from past experiences.  These things often hinders us from understanding “truth”. [James1:21]

Jesus was “amazed”. [6節]

  ・Jesus was “amazed” only twice in the Bible.  The other time was when a centurion expressed his outstanding faith.  We often feel like God doesn’t answer our prayer as we expect.  But God must be feeling that “I would love to answer their prayers if I see the hands to receive it!” [Isaiah 59:16,ⅡChronicles16:9]

  ・God’s power is drawn by our “genuine and simple-minded faith”.

Key word for this weekGod is looking for “the One”.


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