
説教あらすじ 「脱・律法主義」 (03/01/2021)



 ・主イエスは、しばしば律法学者たちの「形式的な信仰」を痛烈に批判した。[マタイ23:25~26] それは人間的な力で自分を向上させようとし、「内なる神の働き」をないがしろにしていたから。







✰今日のキーワード: 神様に魅了される


 ①自分のことを「ダメなクリスチャン」だと感じることはありますか? それはどんな時ですか?

 ②あなたにとって『天国』とはどんな場所ですか? どんな点で『天国』へ行くことが楽しみですか?


Outline of the sermon    “Get out of ‘Legalism’.”   (03/01/2021)

Why do we tend to be “legalistic”

 ・There is no harm to “set a goal” but it harms us when we are bound by those “goals”.

 ・Jesus severely criticized teachers of the law because of their “surface faithfulness”. [Matthew 23:25~26]

 ・We cannot reach out to people with living in “legalism”.  People are seeking “the real thing” which is “Christ”.

What is different between “Christ” and “us”

 ・The main difference is: “The depth of the relationship with the Father”.

   Jesus knew very well “how good the Father is”, he was always seeking “intimacy with the Father”, and he persevered the way to the cross so that we might experience “the ultimate joy he had with the Father”.

 ・Heaven is not just “the place to spend eternity” but “to be immersed in the beauty of the relationship with God”.

Bible verse of this year[Psalm 34:8]

Key word for this week Be fascinated by God.


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