
説教あらすじ 「主に対してするように」(31/05/2020)

◆心を込める [コロサイ3:23]

  ・「人に対してする」のと「主に対してする」のでは、どこが違うのか? ⇒ 『心を込める』 [Ⅰサムエル記16:7]


◆人間関係は「主イエスとの関係」 [コロサイ3:23~24]



✰今日のキーワード: 「心を込めて」



 ②どのようにして「相手の真の必要」を見出すことができると思いますか? またそれを妨げるものは何でしょう?


Outline of the sermon     “Do as you do for the Lord.”   (31/05/2020)

With all your heart. [Colossians 3:23]

  ・How different between “work for men” and “work for the Lord”? ⇒ “With all your heart”. [ⅠSamuel16:7]

  ・Take plenty of time to understand their real needs and generously give them your very best.

Relationship with others based on “the relationship with Christ”. [Colossians 3:23~24]

  ・One of crucial differences about “having man-to-man relationship” between Christians and others is;

    Looking at it through “the relationship with Christ” or not.  We have an experience of “being redeemed by life”, “receiving ultimate mercy from Christ daily” and “receiving unimaginable reward in heaven” by faith.

  ・We can never make difference for our relationship with others by “our own ability or effort”.  It only comes from the richness of “our relationship with Christ who is our Best Friend”!

Key word for this week “With all your heart”.


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