説教あらすじ 「自宅待機中の心得」 (29/03/2020)
◎[ペテロの手紙 第1. 4:7~8]
・この箇所で使徒ペテロは2つのことを勧めている。①『祈り』に備える ②熱心に愛し合う。
えること。その日を楽しみにしながら、①祈ること、②愛すること に励みましょう!
Outline of the sermon “Some thoughts on ‘self‐isolation’.” (29/03/2020)
◆It reminds us what is important.
・I am grateful for NZ government as they made good quick decision before the situation becomes really serious.
・When I dropped off some people at the airport, they said that NZ is the country really cherishes people.
◎[ⅠPeter 4:7~8]
・Here Peter encourages us to work on 2 areas. ①Prepare ourselves to “Pray”. ②Love each other deeply.
We are usually too busy physically and emotionally on activities and various relationships. But in the situation like now, we may find “things which really matters” as we are forced to slow down our life style.
◆To “Pray” & to “Love”.
①Prepare ourselves to “Pray”.
・Do you remember what we did at our first Sunday service this year? Before we start asking God for something, take plenty of time to “be still” until our thoughts become composed.
②Love each other deeply.
・This is a perfect opportunity to build intimacy among couple or family. Have lots of communication time!
・Those who are single, use SNS to contact your distant family and friends. There may be time differences but probably fine to stay late or get up late these 4 weeks, isn’t it?
*Looking forward to seeing each other next time grown spiritually through ①Prayer & ②Loving!