説教あらすじ 「ただ1つのことを目指して」 (26/07/2020)
◆ただ1つのこと [14節] ― 現代のこの世は『情報社会』。「いろいろなことを知ってること」に価値を認める。
・『天国人』の生き方:「たった1つのことを目指す」 = 日々キリスト(天国人としての完成)に近づくこと。
◆前進し続ける [12節] ― 「キリストに捕らえられた」
・例えば、「なぜ洗礼を受けるのか?」 洗礼を受けないと救われないから? ⇒ そうではなく、「キリストにあって良いことなら、どんなことでも行いたい」 から。
✰今日のキーワード: 「1つだけ見る」
Outline of the sermon “Just One thing.” (26/07/2020)
◆Just One thing. [Verse 14] ― This world requires us to “know more”.
・Right thing for “Citizens of heaven” is to focus on “just one thing”. To be “like Christ”.
Seek more of Christ to “see him”, to “know him better” and to “taste how much he is for us”.
・Paul illustrated this as “a race”. It is not matter of beating others but “keeping focus”.
We may not be disqualified by losing focus but there is no one running the race like that if he is serious for it.
◆Press on forward. [Verse 12] ― “Christ took hold of me!”
・“Christians” are those who are “crazy about Christ”. They are excited and searching anything about Christ.
・Why do believers get baptized? Is it because they cannot go to heaven without it? ⇒ No! It is because “they want to do whatever right in the eyes of Christ”!
We should learn to go after “only right things before God” through the fellowship with Christ. [James 4:8]
✰Key word for this week: Stay focused.