説教あらすじ 「『神の怒り』を免れた者」 (20/09/2020)
◆神の怒りを免れた者として ― 次の2つのことが求められている。
①神に倣い、『怒り』をコントロールする [ヤコブ1:19-20]
②福音を宣べ伝える [ローマ1:16-18]
✰今日のキーワード: 「神の怒り」の免除
②何故「人の怒りは神の義を実現しない」のでしょう? 「怒りを抑える」良いアイディアを分かち合ってみましょう。
Outline of the sermon “The objects of God’s mercy.” (20/09/2020)
◆Wrath of God.
・There are many places in the Bible where describes “wrath of God”. They are all terrifying! We are all rescued from this only because of the redemption of Christ. Praise the Lord!
・Unless we understand how great His grace and patience are, we do not recognize urgency to share the blessings we have received from God as “citizens of heaven”. [Romans 9:21-24]
◆As the objects of His mercy. ― We are expected to do next 2 things.
①Control our anger. [James1:19-20]
・We express “godliness” not by anger but by patience and forgiveness.
②Share Good News. [Romans1:16-18]
・God has made us “the objects of His mercy”, so why don’t we tell “this good news” anytime, anywhere and to anyone!
✰Key word for this week: Exemption from “Wrath of God”.