説教あらすじ 「真に豊かな生き方」 (19/01/2020)
①「一時的か?」または「永続的か?」 ②「~だから?」それとも「~にもかかわらず?」
御霊の実 [ガラテヤ5:22-23] ― イエスの生涯に満ちていた。(今回は、愛・喜び・平安に焦点を絞って)
◆どのように体験できるのか? 「古い自分」 ⇒ 「新しい(真の)自分」
*聖霊の招きに聞き従う = 『信仰』。(みことばと御霊によって「霊的な養い」を受けよう!)
✰今日のキーワード: 「御霊に属するもの(に注目する)」
Outline of the sermon “True abundant life.” (19/01/2020)
◆How can we distinguish things “from flesh” or “from spirit”?
①“Temporary?” or “Eternal?” ②“~ because …?” or “~ regardless of …?”
The fruit of the Spirit [Galatians 5:22-23] ― They were manifest in the life of Jesus.
・“Love”: Even for enemies. [Matthew 5:43-45] ・“Joy”:Through the Holy Spirit. [Luke10:21]
・“Peace”:Different from the one from the world. [John14:27] And all others too.
◆How can we experience these things? “Old self” ⇒ “New (true) self”.
・Deny “old self” which tend to get affected by flesh, and grow in “new (true) self” which tend to get affected by
the Spirit. [Luke 9:23-25,John 3:5-7]
・Not by “our own strength” or “self-sacrifice” but by “renewing our mind”. [John 6:63]
*Grow in “faith”. = Listen & obey what the Spirit says.(Get feeding from the Word & the Spirit of God!)
✰Key word for this week: (Be aware of) Things from the Spirit.