説教あらすじ 「イエスが愛したように」 (15/03/2020)
イエスはこの『新しい戒め』を繰り返された。[ヨハネ15:12, 17] 「私が愛したように」がカギ。
・イエスはこの「弟子たち」そして「私たち」を『選ばれた』。[ヨハネ15:16] 言い換えるなら、神は私たちを「愛する
・イエスは弟子たちを「みそばに置くため」に選ばれた。[マルコ3:14] イエスは彼らの不信仰を嘆かれたことはあ
✰今日のキーワード: 「選ばれた存在」
①私たちはどのような点で『特別な存在』ですか? また何故そう言うことができますか?
②「イエスが愛したように愛する」とは、どのようなことが含まれますか? それはあなたの予想とどう違いますか?
Outline of the sermon “As Jesus has loved us.” (15/03/2020)
◆Chosen people.
・Jesus clearly taught his disciples how they can grow in “Relationship among believers”. [John13:34]
Jesus taught them this over and over. [John15:12, 17] The key word is; “As I have loved you”.
・Jesus himself has chosen “his disciples” and “each one of us”. [John15:16] In other words, God drew us with
His sovereignty and mercy so that we may “love” and “love each other”. [John 6:44]
◆As Jesus has loved us.
・Jesus chose his disciples “to be with him”. [Mark 3:14] He never gave them up and kept showing his love by
①Spending lots of time with them, ②Believing that “One day these people will grow, flourish and bear fruits”.
・We love each other as Jesus has loved us by “teaching, encouraging and helping” others to seek and know
more of God, so that everyone of us will flourish his potential and bear fruits for God’s glory. [Romans14:19]
✰Key word for this week: (We are)“Chosen ones”.