説教あらすじ 「私たちのレース」 (09/03/2025)
・では、この「賞・目標(ゴール)」とは何なのか?それは『キリストご自身』。[Ⅰコリント13:12] 言い換えるなら、神は「救いにふさわしくない私たち」をキリストにあって選び、「救いにふさわしい者(キリストのかたち)」へと造り変える。
・2歳児の徒競走では父兄がゴールに立つ。なぜなら幼子は「ゴールや賞品」には興味はなく、大好きな家族の許 へなら喜んで走って行くから。イエスは「幼子のようにならなければ、神の国に入ることはできない」とおっしゃっ た。私たちも『主イエスご自身』を何よりも欲するのでなければ、このレースを心の底から楽しむことはできない。
今日の要点: 一心に『キリスト』を目指す
①私たちの「信仰の歩み」と「レース」との共通点は何ですか? また「この世のレース」との相違点は何でしょう?
③私たちのレースの終着点は何ですか? それは今のあなたにとって、どれくらい魅力がありますか?
Outline of the sermon “Our race of faith.” (09/03/2025)
[Philippians 3:12~16]
◆Our race.(Verses 12~14)
・We participate in the race of this world to win the prize. But for our “race of faith”, God registers us to give us what He prepared for us in advance because He has chosen us in Christ to be His own. [Isaiah 43:1b]
・Nothing happened in our past help us to finish this race. We should just concentrate on going “forward”.
*What God is going to give us does not lie behind us!
◆Our goal.(Verse 14)
・What is “our goal” then? It is “Christ himself”. [ⅠCorinthians13:12] In other word, God transforms us from “earthly form” into “heavenly form(Christlikeness)” through the race.
・When little children run a race, their parents wait at the goal. Why? Because these children are not attracted by prizes but their loving parents. Jesus said, “Unless you become like these children, you will never enter the heaven”. In the same way, we can never enjoy this race unless we desire Jesus above anything else.
Today’s main point: Seek Christ wholeheartedly.
*Today’s key words: “SANKA SURU”(Participate), “SHO-”(Prize), “USHIRO”(Behind) , “FUSAWASHI-”(Be worthy).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What are similar or different between “race of this world” and “our race of faith”?
②Why do you think what God is going to give us does not lie behind us?
③What is our goal? How much attractive is that goal for you now? Why do you think so?