説教あらすじ 「パウロの信仰に倣う」 (16/03/2025)
①律法を守ることを強調するユダヤ人クリスチャンたち ②この世の快楽に興じている未信者たち
・そもそも『クリスチャン』とは誰なのか?『クリスチャン』という呼称は「自称」ではなく、周囲の人々が「あの人たちは『キリスト、キリスト』ばかり言っている、『キリスト野郎』だ!」と評したことから始まった。『神の国』と「この世の 習慣」とに二股かけたような歩みをしている者ではない。私たちはどうであろうか?
・パウロは正にこれを経験した。彼は自分の歩みが間違いだと気付いた時、どれほどの挫折を経験したことだろ う。そこから立ち直った彼が「私に倣う者となってください(17節)」と言った。恐れず更に神に信頼して行こう!
今日の要点: どこを見ているかを吟味する
①『クリスチャン』とは、どんな意味ですか? その意味では、あなたは『クリスチャン』だと言えますか?
Outline of the sermon “Let’s imitate Paul!” (16/03/2025)
[Philippians 3:17~21]
◆Who is “A Christian”?(Verses 17~19)
・What kind of people are “enemies of the cross of Christ”? Possibly we can think of the next 2 types of people:
①Jewish believers who are strictly observing the law. ②Non-believers who are drown in their sins.
・What is “a Christian”? It is NOT “self-professed” but started by people around them saying, “Hey they always call ‘Christ, Christ’. They are crazy about it, so let’s call them ‘Christians’!” Are we “crazy about Christ” that much?
◆Waiting for “not-yet-seen”.(Verses 20~21)
・We await because we haven’t seen yet. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”. “Believing” is like “entrusting our future”. We can measure our “trust level” by the level of disappointment when we got betrayed. How much do you think you are “trusting Christ”?
・Paul used to put all his energy to observe the law, then realized that it was wrong. Can you imagine how much he got disappointed! But he found a new truth and said, “imitate me!” Yes, let’s follow his example!
Today’s main point: Examine where you are looking at.
*Today’s key words: “TEKI”(Enemy), “JISHO-”(Self-professed) , “KICHIGAI”(Crazy) , “SHINRAI”(Trust).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①How did the word “Christians” start? Are you “a Christian” in that sense?
②What kind of risks you may face when you believe and await something “not-yet-seen”?
③What do you think Paul was holding in his mind when he said, “imitate me”?