説教あらすじ 「キリストにある一致」 (09/02/2025)
・バルナバと別行動を取ることになったパウロは、『同労者』を切望していた。そんな時に出会ったのが『テモテ』。 テモテはパウロと共に宣教活動を初めてまもなく「マケドニアへの招き」を経験し、初めて足を踏み入れた地が、この『ピリピ』だった。ここで牢獄に入れられてしまったパウロのために、テモテはピリピの信者たちと必死の祈りをささげたに違いない。
今日の要点: 「自分」ではなく、『キリスト』を取る
①パウロとテモテの出会いとは、どのようなものでしたか? 2人の宣教の旅路は簡単なものでしたか?
Outline of the sermon “‘Work out your salvation.” (09/02/2025)
[Philippians 2:19~24]
◆Paul and Timothy. (Acts16:1~3)
・Paul was desiring someone who would be willing to work with him after separated from Barnabas. Then he found Timothy in Lystra and took him as his follower. Soon after that God led them to Macedonia, and they worked together in Philippi. They faced hardships but also experienced breakthroughs by God’s mighty hands!
◆How was their relationship?(Versus 20~22)
・Paul describes Timothy as “no one like him”. Paul sees “Christlike heart” in Timothy. They worked together just like “father and son”. They shared “the same heart” for their mission in Christ and trusted each other.
・We, JCF, are the church configured by various unique members. How can we work together in harmony? It is not by “becoming the same” but by “working with same heart”, “the heart of Christ”. [ⅡCorinthians 5:14-15]
・We no longer live to seek our own benefit but to seek “joy of the heaven” just as Christ has lived with watching his Father’s face every moment. We want to see Christ revealed to the world through our walk of faith, don’t we?
Today’s main point: Choose Christ, not myself.
*Today’s key words: “DOUROUSHA”(Co-worker), “SHINRAI”(Trust), “KOSEI TEKI”(Unique), “BUNRETSU”(Division).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①When and how did Paul meet Timothy? What happened soon after they start traveling together?
②What was Paul’s evaluation about Timothy like? Why do you think he felt like that?
③How can we, JCF, work together like Paul and Timothy as “body of Christ”?