説教あらすじ 「本来あるべき姿へ」 (05/01/2024)
・このように「教会を通してキリストが現されている」のを見ることで、パウロは『神の喜び』を体験した。[2節] そして私たちが『キリストのからだ』として更に成熟して行くなら、やがて『この世』も私たちを通して『キリスト』を見るようになる。
今日の要点: 共に「キリストにあって」『本来の姿』を取り戻そう!
①「キリストにある救い」は、何のためですか? また、何故そう言えるのでしょうか?
Outline of the sermon “‘Return to our ‘original feature’.” (05/01/2024)
[Philippians 2:1~4]
◆Being transformed into “Christlikeness”.
・God saved us in Christ not just “to take us to heaven” but more for “restoring His relationship with us”. That’s why it is wasteful if we do not go to have “time with the Lord” in daily basis.
・What can we get from “fellowship with the Lord”? It restores us into “who we really are supposed to be”. Jesus came to the earth to show us “the original feature of human being”, so he was inviting us when he said, “do this just as I have done for you”!
◆How can we be transformed?
・God starts molding us from “inside”. He creates “mind of Christ” through the work of the Holy Spirit within us. He does it individually and also as “a body of Christ” so that we’ll reflect “the fullness of Christ”. [Ephesians 4:13]
・Paul rejoiced when he saw Christ being revealed through the church in Philippi.(Verse 2) In the same way, Christ will be revealed through us even to “this world” if we grow mature in the fellowship with God.
Today’s main point
Return to our “original feature” in Christ together!
*Today’s key words: “HONRAI NO SUGATA”(Original feature), “ISSHO NI”(Together), “ICCHI”(One mind).
◎Questions to ponder on:
①What is the main reason of “our salvation”? Why can we say so?
②What does “the fellowship with God” bring to our lives?
③How can we witness Christ to this world beside our “preaching”?